Metaphysical Exploration Group
Resources for Awakening Hearts and Minds

Newsletter Change: As of April, 2012, RAHM has changed the company it uses for sending Email Newsletters. The old company was Constant Contact. The new company is Vertical Response. Please go to the end of this section to subscribe. However, if you have already been receiving RAHM Newsletters, you don't need to re-subscribe.
Audio/Video: On 11-11-11, RAHM Launched its Audio/Video page. The first two events have been posted on YouTube and linked to our site. Please check it out! http://www.rahmgroup.org/audiovideo.html
Facebook: RAHM now has a Facebook Fan Page:
Please join our Fan Page to keep up with, and be notified of upcoming events. You can also "Like" this website:
Twitter: You can follow us on Twitter Here:
Linked In: You can follow us on Linked In here:
Photos: Select photos from our past meetings can be found here: Photo Page.
Admission: The price of admission to RAHM meetings is $10-$25 sliding scale. Nobody is ever turned away for lack of money.
Community Resources: Besides our own programs, RAHM promotes and lists metaphysical resources in the community - primarily conferences, and venues with ongoing events. Please explore the Community Events page. Just click on the heading to bring you to their websites for more information.
Literature Table: If you have an event or a service that you would like to advertise, we have a literature table for your flyers at our meetings.
Non-Profit Status: The "RAHM Metaphysical Exploration Group" (RAHM) is a program of the "Bay Area Consciousness Network" (BACN). BACN is a registered Federal 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Corporation, and also a California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation. New officer elections were held in May, 2012. The officers are: Steve Glanz, President. Adriana Ames, Treasurer. Mike Duvall, Secretary.
Archive: You can view an archive of previous RAHM Newsletters and Events here: Archive
Sister Organization: RAHM has affiliations with various sister organizations. One such organization is The Foundation for Mind-Being Research (FMBR), a 30-year non-profit organization exploring the frontiers of science and consciousness. For more information, go to www.fmbr.org.
Subscribe: If you are not on the mailing list, you may subscribe to the RAHM Newsletter below. If you have already been receiving RAHM Newsletters, you do not need to re-subscribe: